Monday, January 4, 2010

Just in case are one of the people wondering things out loud in public...

Yes, they are all mine.

No, I am not crazy. At least I wasn't the last time I checked.

I do know how babies are made.

I did pay for some of them and I would do it again.

Yes, they are twins.

No, they are not identical. The reason they are not identical should be obvious.

Yes, they are tall for their age. And no they don't start school until next year.

I am brave.

I do have my hands full.

I think they are beautiful also.

I do stay busy.

Yes, I too am glad they are not yours.

Thank you for your sympathetic smile, but I am quite happy with my life.


  1. HAHA! I love it! People have even said things to me like, "Well wasn't your husband mad at you when he found out YOU were pregnant with twins??" and "Geez - I guess we're paying for your food stamps." Implying that we cannot afford the family we have been blessed with. The nerve of some people! ;) I try to just smile and shrug it off but on some days I would really like to have a quick smart-as$ comeback but don't want my kids to see me do that!

  2. You at least still have your sense of humour!!!:) funny post!

  3. Now come on Beth you know we all love those kids. Yes they are yours and you are truly blessed. You love those kids and Tim and they are second only to God. Keep the faith up and things will be okay. Love ya

  4. Haha. I can't tell you how many times my mom heard those same comments!
