Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is Spring Break really a break?

Usually the week before spring break, Tim and I look at each other and ask what we should do for spring break. We usually agree that we should go on a fun trip but never really have the time or energy to plan one. This year as in the past, we decided to stay home and work on house projects and go for special outings with the kids. One thing I love about Tim's job is that he can take off time during spring break if he chooses to do so.
So for spring break this year, here is what our family did:

Beth and Tim took Grant to his six month doctor's visit

Everyone went to the park

Beth took Grandma to the airport

Beth ran about 12 miles

Tim turned over the soil in the garden and flower beds and put down black paper that prevents weed growth.

Tim cleaned and organized the storage shed and the back porch

Beth took Zach and Calyn swimming

Everyone ate dinner at the Williams' house (that is both Williams families-thanks friends!)

Beth made green food for St. Patrick's day

Zach and Calyn each wrote a book

Tim painted the downstairs bathroom

Tim, Zach, Calyn, Abby, and Grant went swimming with the Gomez family

Everyone welcomed three new members to our extended family at a birthday party

Beth cleaned out her closet

Tim spent several hours doing his real job, some at home and some at Tech

Beth and the kids watched Annerson so Lex and Leah could have a garage sell

Tim, Zach, and Calyn had baseball practice

Beth shopped at Gap, Old Navy, and Wal-mart

Beth wrote an exciting passage about muscle contractions

Beth threw away the pumpkin that had been on the front porch since October!

Grant tried squash, carrots, and green beans

We had a busy week, got a lot accomplished, and had a lot of fun. Although we stayed busy, spring break is definitely a break because we got a break from our normal routine and got to spend so much time with Tim.


  1. I'm glad you finally threw away your pumpkin. I just threw ours away about a month ago.
    Did you see my title for my spring break post?

  2. Sounds like you all had a very busy Spring break. It was so good to see all of you at the birthday party. It really meant alot to them that ya'll came.
