Friday, March 19, 2010


Grant has been sitting up for about a week now. I really have been meaning to blog about this accomplishment but kept putting it off. Today a sweet friend was over and walked in and caught Grant in the act of sitting and playing all by himself. The first thing she said was, "When did he start sitting?"
So here he is:

He turned 6 months old on Monday. He weighs 17 pounds (50th percentile) and measures 26.75 inches (60th percentile).
Besides sitting he recently got his first tooth (bottom right). No pictures of it yet, but it did get a fluoride treatment at his doctor's appointment.
Grant is still easy going and usually happy. He has been a little grumpy the last few days. Both Tim and I agreed that he seems to be missing his Grandma. He still is not sleeping well at night, but at least his cuteness makes up for my lack of sleep.

He can pick up toys and likes to chew on his burp cloths, blankets, or socks. He recently discovered his feet. And he can now roll from his tummy to his back.
He is quite enthralled with ceiling fans especially when they are moving.
Be sure to check out his long eye lashes.
He is wearing size 3 diapers and 6-12 month clothing.
Slow down little boy! You are growing up WAY too fast.


  1. What a cute guy!! Glad I got to hold him

  2. He is sooo cute! I love all of his facial expressions and those!!!
