Sunday, January 16, 2011

Black and Blue

Zach had an "incident" involving a metal pole on Thursday night.
Zach, Calyn, and I arrived about 8:15 pm at a local junior high for my volleyball game. The school is always dimly lit at night. Calyn and I were walking towards the main sidewalk that leads to the front entrance of the school. Zach ran ahead of us to go up another sidewalk that intersects with the main sidewalk. For some reason, he left the sidewalk and cut across the grass, probably in an effort to get to us before we got to the intersection. What he did not see was a metal railing that ran the entire length of the main sidewalk. He was running full speed as he collided with the metal railing. I saw him hit and knew that the impact was bad. He started screaming hysterically and instantly got two giant knots on his head (in the middle of his forehead and above his right eye). Fortunately, he was not seriously injured. He is a little beat up but otherwise okay.
This is a picture of him on Friday:

This is a picture of him on Sunday:

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks at those bruises and that black eye. Bless his heart.
