Recently we had a family photo shoot with a local photographer that we met through our church. She did a great job with us as we were quite the challenge. Her other work can be found here and here.
Thanks Jessica for working with us!

29 November 2009
Dear Abby –
Today is your 2nd birthday! It has been great to see how much you have grown up over the last year. You went from being a baby that could barely walk to a little girl that runs all over the place, can speak in whole sentences, and eat all by herself. In fact, one of your favorite phrases now is “Abby do it!” Many times you are able to do it all by yourself. It is amazing to see how quickly you have picked up language. You are such a smart little girl with bright shining eyes. You are such a cute little girl who makes a lot of people smile and comment when they see you. We love to see you laugh and to make you laugh. You are pretty ticklish and enjoy being eaten and tickled. You are so loving towards Grant and it’s so fun to see you give him a kiss. Abby kisses are the best and everybody loves getting one. You play pretty well with Zach and Calyn. It’s tough being the little kid, but you can hold your own and many times you get your way. Recently, it has been great to see you pray before meals. It brings us joy to see you wave your hands in the air as you go through your little meal-time prayer. We will be excited to see the day when you understand enough to ask Jesus to come into your heart.
We are so grateful to God for giving you to us. You bring us such joy and happiness and we are very proud of you.
Zach also amazes us. He is an awesome big brother to Grant and Abby and a fun companion for Calyn. He is very sensitive and often soft-spoken. His teacher often tells me what a sweet boy he is. He likes to hug on his friends and does not really understand personal space. His current favorite things include wrestling, math, and mazes. He is still a picky eater but is learning to try new things without as much complaining.
Calyn is a talker. She loves to talk. Her second love is all things musical. She often plays the guitar and sings. She loved the drum set that we gave her for her birthday. She likes to challenge the rules. She too is a great big sister to Grant and Abby is always wanting to help take care of them both. Both her school teacher and church teachers have told us how inquisitive she is. She really desires to understand things at deeper level than most of her peers. Calyn can be a handful at times but overall is a cheerful, vibrant little girl.